
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Violin Lessons

Me with my violin at my recital!
Today I went to violin. My teacher was in China for a month and I had a substitute teacher while she was gone. My regular teacher was back today! I was very excited, even though I felt shy! I did very well today. I played Perpetual Motion - both regular and with 16th notes (double every note). I played Go Tell Aunt Rhody but not regular - in A Minor! It sounds like a snake charmer!


  1. Glad to hear you had a great time at violin! You sound great!

  2. I now the song: Go tell Aunt Rhodey! I play it on the piano!

  3. Cool! That's funny that you both play the same song, but on different instruments!

  4. OK, Miss Green Bird, next time I'm on the phone with your mom, I want to hear a song. :)

  5. I play an instrument myself. The piano.

  6. Its cool that all 3 of us play the piano, & Green Bird plays the violin!
